NLS Tools - Knives & Irons

NLS Tools manufactures and stocks a wide range of machine knives and irons for planing, tenoning, jointing and profile moulding. We also manufacture knives and irons to order.
Thin Planing Knives
A range of plain and slotted thin planing knives to suit most machines. Stocked in high speed steel or tungsten carbide tipped versions.
Safety Profile Knives & Limiters
A range of blank knives and limiters to suit universal or 'Euro' type profile cutter blocks. Stocked in SP steel, high speed steel and tungsten carbide tipped versions. Available in over 100 standard profiles or profiled to order.
Whitehill Profile Knives & Limiters
A range of blank knives and limiters to suit Whitehill cutter blocks. Stocked in high speed steel and tungsten carbide tipped versions. Also available profiled to order.
Serrated Back Knives & Limiters
A range of serrated back knives and limiters to suit serrated back cutter blocks for either manually or mechanically fed machines. Stocked in high speed steel and tungsten carbide tipped versions. Also available profiled to order.
Special Manufacture
Any variation of the above knives can be manufactured to order. Enquiries for other types of knife are also welcome.